Latest Market History Report

Latest Market History Report

View the latest Market History Report which provides the real returns on stocks, bonds and cash, plus annual inflation and the context of historical events.

Is the Stock Market Running Out of Steam?

Is the Stock Market Running Out of Steam?

MISSION WORK WITH US INSIGHTS ABOUT US CAREERS CONTACT   Is the Stock Market Running Out of Steam? After strong stock returns in 2023 and again in the first quarter of...

How Does the US Rank in Taxes?

In case you were considering moving to another country after the election, here is how other countries stack up versus the US in taxes.

150 Years in 5 Charts

150 Years in 5 Charts

The ingenuity and resilience of humans is amazing. And by extension, the creativity and adaptability of businesses and the economy is a reflection of that.

Are Investment Accounts Safe?

Are Investment Accounts Safe?

There are three basic types of banks. We are all familiar with the commercial bank—it is where you have your checking and savings account and maybe your mortgage or car loan.